Thursday, August 6, 2020

Grumpy Tonight with guest Greg Sadler

Greg is the Libertarian candidate running for Oklahoma Senate seat district 17.
Chris Moe (a.k.a. 'Uncle Grumpy') is a Board Member/Consultant at The Oklahoma Cannabis Trade Association. He's also a Medical Cannabis Activist, & Board Member at Oklahomans for Health

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Grumpy Tonight with Mark Woodward of the OBNDD.

Mark tells us about some of the requirements in the commercial cannabis industry, and how the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs is dealing with this new industry.
Chris Moe (a.k.a. 'Uncle Grumpy') is a Board Member/Consultant at The Oklahoma Cannabis Trade Association. He's also a Medical Cannabis Activist, & Board Member at Oklahomans for Health

Grumpy Tonight with Trey Bishop

Trey is running for OKC city counsel ward #3. He talks about his priorities, should he earn your vote and win the seat.
Chris Moe (a.k.a. 'Uncle Grumpy') is a Board Member/Consultant at The Oklahoma Cannabis Trade Association. He's also a Medical Cannabis Activist, & Board Member at Oklahomans for Health