Sunday, September 12, 2021

Grumpy Tonight with special guest and new OMMA director Adria Berry.

Grumpy Tonight with special guest and new OMMA director Adria Berry. This is a first look at the new director and a chance to hear directly from her as to how rules and regulations will be worked out.
Chris Moe (a.k.a. 'Uncle Grumpy') is a Board Member/Consultant at The Oklahoma Cannabis Trade Association. He's also a Medical Cannabis Activist, & Board Member at Oklahomans for Health

Sunday, September 5, 2021

Grumpy Tonight with guest Lawrence Pasternack.

ORCA will be filing the cannabis petitions soon and we are taking another look.
Chris Moe (a.k.a. 'Uncle Grumpy') is a Board Member/Consultant at The Oklahoma Cannabis Trade Association. He's also a Medical Cannabis Activist, & Board Member at Oklahomans for Health